Monday, April 30, 2012

Spring Cleaning

It's spring! The most impatiently anticipated season of the year. According to Ayruveda spring is ruled by the Kapha dosha. Ayurveda is the ancient health and wellness system which originated in India over 5,000 years ago. Ayurveda literally translated means the "Divine Science of Life". Ayurdic dietary theory is centered around the seasons, and eating in accordance with the seasons for optimal health. This means eating fresh and local produce whenever possible, and adapting the way we eat to best suit our environment as a way of restoring balance to the body. There are three Doshas Pitta (summer and early fall), Vata (late fall and winter), and Kapha (Spring).

Spring is the season of cleansing and detoxifying. Warmer temperatures mean our bodies don't need as many calories to regulate body temperature and keep us strong and healthy through the colder months. Spring time is when our bodies sheds no longer necessary fat, and anything else it has been holding to. This is the best time of the year to embark on a cleanse, to aid our body's natural spring cleaning. Been wanting to try a juice cleanse or maybe the master cleanse? This is the best time of year to do it!

Want a less extreme tool for cleansing that you can incorporate into your diet on a daily basis? I've got you covered! Allow me to introduce one of my favorite morning rituals; hot water with lemon. Every morning upon waking I have a cup of warm (not boiling) water with fresh lemon juice squeezed in. It's a wonderful way to wake up your system.

Lemons are a member of the citrus fruit family, and contain naturally detoxifying compounds. Lemon juice stimulates healthy lover function , which is absolutely crucial to cleansing. Lemons are full of enzymes, which promote optimal digestion and regular elimination. It alleviates common side effects of poor digestion such as bloating, heart burn, and indigestion.

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