So I have a confession to make; despite having been a vegetarian my ENTIRE life, I have never prepared lentils before. This might seem a bit odd, because many people consider lentils to be a staple in vegetarian diets. And for good reason. Lentils are rich in protein and fiber, making them an excellent hearty addition to a diet which excludes meat. That being said, I think everyone could benefit from eating more of this little legume.
Lentils offer an array of health benefits. They are extremely high in fiber, one cup of cooked lentils boasts 60% of one's daily recommended fiber intake! The fiber in lentils helps to lower cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar, and prevent heart disease. Lentils are also rich in folate, a nutrient which is particularly vital to pregnant women because it promotes healthy neural development in the fetus and prevents birth defects. Folate is crucial for the rest of us too, as it supports red blood cell production, prevents anemia, and supports a healthy nervous system. As if that weren't enough, lentils also contain energy boosting iron, magnanese, and tryptophan. And don't forget that I said they are high in protein too!
What took me so long to jump on the lentil bandwagon? No idea, but now I'm a devoted fan. The other wonderful thing about lentils is how easy they are to prepare. It didn't take me long to make a massive amount of this soup, and it fed me for days. This recipe tastes even better the next day, after the flavors and spices have had some time to mingle and blend, so enjoy the leftovers! Another great thing about this recipe is that you can really add any vegetables or spices you want. The recipe below lists the ingredients I used, but feel free to get creative! It's a great way to clean out the fridge.
4 cups lentils, soaked, drained, and rinsed* (I used French green lentils, but any variety will work for this recipe)
8 cups water
1 large can diced tomatoes
2 onions
5 carrots
1 large head of broccoli
1 potato
3 cups chopped baby portabello mushrooms
2 cups chopped kale
4 tbsp cup olive oil
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
generous amounts of sea salt, black pepper, thyme, cumin, and any other spices you'd like!
*I recommend soaking lentils for at least 6 hours before cooking, this makes them easier to digest, so plan ahead!
Chop all vegetables to 1 inch chunks or smaller.
Add olive oil to a large pot.
Add onions to pot and lightly sautee.
Add the rest of the vegetables in order from densest to lightest, allowing each new ingredient a few minutes to cook before adding the next.
If you are following this exact recipe start with the carrots, then add the broccoli, potato, mushrooms, and kale.
With each new vegetable add a tiny pinch of sea salt.
Once vegetables are soft, add lentils, diced tomatoes, water, and spices.
Cover pot, bring to a boil, then allow soup to simmer for about 20 minutes.
Add balsamic vinegar.
Allow to cool covered for about 10 minutes.
Love me some LENTILS!