Monday, October 24, 2011

Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes/ An Ode to Cauliflower

I have a new vegetable obsession; cauliflower! Last night I made this recipe and I ended up eating an entire giant head of cauliflower all to myself! So simple and so delicious.
Cauliflower is in season right now, so look for it at the farmer’s market. It’s a cruciferous vegetable, which means it has natural cleansing properties and supports the body’s detoxification process. Cauliflower is an excellent source of vitamin C, vitmain K, folate, and fiber.
My cauliflower obsession began the other day. After trying out a new yoga studio in Brooklyn, my friend Lea and I bought hummus and cauliflower and ate it picnic style on the Williamsburg shore of the East river. I love that cauliflower is so versatile,and so easy to make into a complete meal. Also, it was such a beautiful fall day! Couldn’t imagine a better day to enjoy a healthy meal outside by the water. As I’m writing this I am regretting not having a camera on hand at the time, as the weather allowed for such a beautiful view of Manhattan, si la vie.

1 large head of cauliflower

1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil

salt + pepper

Remove the greens and the stem from the head of cauliflower.
Wash thoroughly and cut the cauliflower into small florets. 
Steam cauliflower for about 10 minutes. 
When soft (you should be able to easily pierce it with a fork) transfer cauliflower to a blender or food processor. 
Puree until smooth, add unsweetened almond milk if needed. 
Before serving drizzle with olive oil.
Season generously with pepper and a dash of sea salt to taste.
You can also top with fresh herbs, I used finely chopped onion chives.

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